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Centrals Juniors AFL Club Inc

2020 Centrals Juniors Presentation Day

Sat, 7 Nov 2020
09:00 - 14:00

Centrals Juniors AFL Club would like to welcome all members to the 2020 Annual Presentation Day

Join us with our 2020 Coaches and Team Managers to celebrate our U8's, U10's, U12's Red, U12's Blue and U14's

All welcome!

Dress Code:  Club Polo or Playing Attire mandatory!

Non-Competitive Age-Group will receive a Participation Trophy

Competitive Age-Groups will include B & F unveiling, Rising Star, Most Consistent, Coach's Award and Players Player



9:00 am
U8's (Kennel)
10:00 am
U10's Red & U10's Blue (Kennel)
11:00 am
U12's Red & U12's Blue (TBSC Outside seating area near pool table) Sponsored by THOMAS BALDWIN Boutique Real Estate
1:00 pm
U14's (TBSC outside seating area near pool table)
Trinity Beach Sports Club
1 Nautilus St, Trinity Beach QLD 4879, Australia

Nautilus Street, Trinity Beach, Queensland, 4870, Australia

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