
All Coaches at Centrals Juniors AFL Club are required to have a minimum Level 1 - Foundation coaching accrediation.

New or returning Coaches Checklist

  1. Download a copy of the "Junior Coach - Position Description"

  2. Comply with the Coach Code of Conduct

  3. Register yourself as a "Coach" with Centrals Juniors AFL Club for the current year

  4. Complete your online Coaching Accreditation Course

  5. Complete the Foundation Level Practical Training Course - 12 March 2022

    1. Up skill by completing your Level 2 Coaching Accrediation Course - must have min 1 year as Level 1

  6. Apply for a Bluecard and send all relevant documents to

  7. Familiarise yourself with the Centrals Juniors AFL Club Website

  8. Like Centrals Juniors AFL Club Facebook Page

    1. Join the relevant Facebook Group

  9. Know where to find the current Rules, Regulations and By-Laws

  10. Download a copy of the Club Song