Centrals Juniors AFL Club Inc
powered by TidyHQTeam Managers responsibilities
Team Managers responsibilities
New or Returning Team Managers' Checklist
Download a copy of the "Team Manager - Position Description"
Comply with the Officials Code of Conduct
Register with PLayHQ as a 'Team Manager" to access your Team
Apply for a Bluecard and email all relevant documents to centralsjuniors_secretary@outlook.com or forward active/current bluecard to the Secretary to be uploaded into TidyHQ
Familiarise yourself with the Centrals Juniors AFL Club Website
Like the Centrals Juniors AFL Club Facebook Page
Join the relevant Facebook Group
Know where to find the current Rules, Regulations and By-Laws
Download a copy of the Club Song
Understand who can play in Your team?
What to do when a player want's to play up 2 age-groups - Form No: AFLQJ-16
Understand the process to follow to declare a forfiet
Items to be met before making a claim through Insurance.
- You are an Insured person – player, umpire, official or volunteer (or parent or guardian if claimant is under 18);
- You have sustained an injury – whilst participating in a sanctioned activity/event; and
- You have incurred costs – Non-Medicare medical costs
All Age-groups to collect at start of season and return at end of season
- All Playing Jerseys
Team Esky
Match Day Ball
Team Whiteboard
Water bottles and Carriers
Correct Attire for Team Runner, Water Carrier, Boundary Umpire, Goal Umpire, First Aid Officer
Encouragement Awards
Goal Umpire Flags - excluding YG18, COLTS
Competitve Age-groups only
Best and Fairest Voting Cards
Goal Umpire Scorecards
Non-Competitive Age-groups only
Coloured Arm Bands
Volunteer Umpire Attire