Date 31-05-2018 Time 03:30
Location Trinity Beach QLD 4879, Australia

Minute Taker

Centrals Juniors Secretary
Secretary CJS


Centrals Juniors President
President CJP


Centrals Juniors President
President CJP
Centrals Juniors Secretary
Secretary CJS
Centrals Juniors Treasurer
Treasurer CJT
Centrals Juniors Vice-President
Vice President CJV
1 Apologies For Noting
2 Confirmation of previous minutes For Noting
3 Presidents Report For Noting
3. 1 Introduction of Operations Manual For Discussion
3. 2 Suspension letters to 3 members For Action
4 Vice President's Report For Noting
4. 1 Funding application for new shed/BBQ area For Discussion
5 Secretary's report - Correspondence in/out For Noting
6 Treasurer's Report For Noting
7 General Business For Discussion
7. 1 Indigenous Round (which was 28th May) For Discussion
7. 2 YG 14 & 17.5/Colts & U15 combined Presentation Night For Discussion
7. 3 Bunnings BBQ - 10th June For Action
7. 4 Ronald McDonald Charity Round For Discussion
7. 5 All Abilities Auskick For Discussion
7. 6 Sponsors/Sponsorship - new or existing to add to the new polo shirt For Discussion
7. 7 Social nights - to increase funding For Discussion
8 Next Meeting Date

Trinity Beach Sports Club McDonald's Cairns Plumbing & Gas Kick Academy FNQ