Date 16-02-2021 Time 04:00
Location Centrals Trinity Beach - Kennel

Just want to come together to run over the plans for Sign On day and make sure we have everything needed ready to go. 

Minute Taker

Centrals Juniors Secretary
Secretary CJS


Centrals Juniors President
President CJP


Brent Courtney
Merchandise Manager
Centrals Juniors President
President CJP
Centrals Juniors Registrar2
Centrals Juniors Secretary
Secretary CJS
Centrals Juniors Treasurer
Treasurer CJT
Centrals Juniors Vice-President
Vice President CJV
1 Apologies
2 Prep required on Saturday - Who will be available For Action
2. 1 Coaches Managers available to Assist on Sunday ? For Noting
3 Resources on the day - Who is doing what For Action
3. 1 Payment Collection For Noting
3. 2 Registration Process / Pre comms required to be sent out ?? For Noting
3. 3 Merch Allocation - Registration included For Noting
3. 4 Merch Sales - Additional Merch / Signage & Ordering For Noting
3. 5 Face Painting For Noting
3. 6 Ball Activities ?? For Noting
3. 7 Sausage Sizzle Food ordered/ BBQ cooks on the day For Noting
4 General Business

Trinity Beach Sports Club McDonald's Cairns Plumbing & Gas Kick Academy FNQ