Date 07-10-2021 Time 04:00
Location 1 Nautilus St, Trinity Beach QLD 4879, Australia

1. Nomination forms for office bearers can be obtained from Centrals Junior Secretary or at the Kennel from a committee member. Any nominations for positions on the 2022 committee must be received by the Junior club secretary on or before 14 days prior to the scheduled AGM. 

Centrals Juniors Secretary -

2. Positions Vacant and looking for members to take on the below roles in 2022.

- Social Committee Coordinator

- Social Committee Member's 

- Volunteer Coordinator

- General committee member's 

Minute Taker

Centrals Juniors Secretary
Secretary CJS


Centrals Juniors President
President CJP


Tracey Cook
Brent Courtney
Kelly Kreeck
Centrals Juniors President
President CJP
Centrals Juniors Registrar2
Centrals Juniors Secretary
Secretary CJS
Centrals Juniors Treasurer
Treasurer CJT
Catherine + Justin Vis
1 Welcome For Noting
2 Apologies For Noting
3 Confirmation of minutes from last year's AGM (2020) For Noting
4 President's Report For Noting
5 Treasurer's Report For Noting
6 Election of Office Bearers For Noting
7 General Business For Noting
8 General Business 

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