Date 09-03-2021 Time 04:00
Location Centrals Trinity Beach - Kennel

A quick touch base on what is required for Sunday March 14th  Club Day

Minute Taker

Centrals Juniors Secretary
Secretary CJS


Centrals Juniors President
President CJP


Tracey Cook
Brent Courtney
Merchandise Manager
Centrals Juniors President
President CJP
Centrals Juniors Secretary
Secretary CJS
Centrals Juniors Treasurer
Treasurer CJT
Centrals Juniors Vice-President
Vice President CJV
1 Apologies For Noting
2 Update on Current Registration Numbers For Noting
2. 1 Any further action required to drive numbers ? For Discussion
2. 2 Team nominations - How we looking ? ( Confirmation of nominations required Post Club Day) For Noting
3 Club Day Pre Prep required For Noting
3. 1 Coaches Kits For Action
3. 2 Merch Shed / Merch For Action
3. 3 Canteen Open / Free Sausage Sizzle For Action
4 Saturday 13th preparation For Noting
4. 1 Resources/ people For Discussion
4. 2 Pre packing/picking Player pack orders For Action
4. 3 Sorting All Merch in sizes For Action
4. 4 Setting up room / Signage for Merch Stations For Action
5 Sunday 14th - Club Day For Noting
5. 1 Resources/ # people required For Discussion
5. 2 Arrival time / Allocate tasks For Noting
5. 3 Coach/Team Meet & Greet session - Time/ who to organise/ Any prep required ? For Action
5. 4 Ball Activities ? or inflatable activity ? For Action
5. 5 Face Painting For Action
5. 6 Older Players to gather & sing Centrals Song - Handouts of Lyrics to new/ younger age groups For Action
5. 7 Raffles / fund raising ?? For Discussion
6 Next Meeting - Season Prep - Agree upon date / Agenda items For Action
7 General Business For Discussion

Trinity Beach Sports Club McDonald's Cairns Plumbing & Gas Kick Academy FNQ